HMI Lighting

Current HMI Light Rentals available

HMI Lighting

HMIs Available in house

M18 Arri Par

1200 Arri Pars

1200 Arri Fresnel

K5600 Joker 800 kits

K5600 Joker 200 kits

Strand 575 Pars

Strand 200 Pars

800 Jo Leko

400 Jo Leko


Also Available

Arri M40

Arri M90

ArriMax 18/12

Arri 18k Fresnel

Arri 12k Fresnel



Dave Bunge's Grip Services in Sacramento carries the latest in lighting technology for motion picture and video production. LED, HMIs, Kino Flo, Tungsten... we've got it all! We have been serving Northern California Motion Picture for over 35 years and can provide all your lighting needs your next film or project.